Satisfaction Guarantee


We are committed to providing high-quality products and excellent customer experience. We believe that you should be completely satisfied with your purchase, and that's why we offer a 14-day Satisfaction Guarantee on your first order. If you're not happy with your purchase for any reason, please follow the steps below:

  1. Contact us: Please contact and provide us with all necessary details, including the reason for the return and the number of items, opened and unopened, to be returned.
  2. Shipping Address: Once we receive your request, we will provide you with the shipping address and return instructions where you can send the returned products.
  3. Refund: Upon receiving and inspecting the returned items, we will issue a refund within a reasonable time frame. Please note that the refund will be for the total amount paid for the order (minus shipping fees, if applicable).
  4. we are very reasonable just reach out and we will do what we can to make it right!

Customers are responsible for covering the return shipping. They are also accountable for their package until we physically receive it at our warehouse. For this reason, we recommend using a trackable shipping method and keeping a record of the tracking number until the return is completed. If a package is lost or damaged during transit, it is the customer's responsibility to file a claim with the shipping carrier.

Please note that to be eligible for a refund on your first order, only 25% of the product can be consumed. In other words, the container must contain at least 75% of the original product to qualify for a refund.

To ensure a smooth return process
You can always contact us for any return question at